Some of you know that my husband was a cancer patient at the age of 10. He was diagnosed with lymphoma and has been in remission ever since but one of the things that Jay will tell you is that it was one of the best things that ever happened to him. Anyway, I am writing about this because Jay was recently featured in a book called "
Hope Begins in the Dark" by Jamie Reno. The book offers stories of 50 lymphoma survivors and Jay's story is one of the chapters in the book. His chapter, Camp Sunshine for Life, tells about a camp that is so very near and dear to our hearts. Jay was a camper at this wonderful camp when he was diagnosed and today he & I both spend a week during the summer with some of the most amazing kids who walk this earth! We are truly fortunate to be a part of
Camp Sunshine and I am so excited that Jay was able to tell his story and the story of camp through this book!